

After receiving the prize, Yu Jae Seok began to deliver his acceptance speech. Because he was the last winner and had plenty of time, he talked a lot, but it didn’t make people feel very long. Almost every sentence was from the heart, which made people fully feel his sincere gratitude to the audience and the workers around him. Finally, he promised to work harder in the future. Other artists in the country shared a love for art and the audience continued to offer many happy feasts.

This evening’s award ceremony allowed the audience to leave in order, and the artists also left Zhang Chengyuan. After leaving


"Where is Zhu Xiong? We have been friends for many years. You were not so melodramatic when you and I fought side by side on the grassland. Besides, even if it wasn’t for you, I couldn’t bear to see the Japanese burning and looting in my summer land. So, put away the ceremony and let’s consider the present situation." He Daoyang found a fairly clean stone and sat down, unconcerned that he was in danger.

"Hey, what to do about the current situation? I only hate being confused for a while and sending out a

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