Fu Hang was silent for a long time before saying, "Dad, you are a big boy with one hand. Even if there are people in the twelve elders, it may not be my opponent. But it’s really impossible to be a child?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.

"No, you have to come with me to pick up the heir right now. Even if the heir returns to Kunlun and wants the head to soar, I can still help you rebound." Fu Shouyi said.
Fu Shihang hesitated when he heard Fu Shouyi’s words, and Ji Xue came to mind again. He said, "Dad, can you wait?"
"Wait!" Fu Shouyi asked, looking at Fu Hangdao with his eyes fixed. "We have investigated clearly that there is no one behind the aid of Ji Shi Tong Ren Tang. We should have left as early as ten days ago, but you ask Dad to pretend to be sick every day to accompany you to Ji Shi Tong Ren Tang. Aren’t you satisfied?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Fu Channel "Dad knows how you are. Although you have been strict with me since childhood, you never say no to your child. It’s too much for your child these days, but it’s like Ji Xue’s decision to get her heart again and then take her back with you."
"Don’t you want to be the head of Kunlun?" Fu Shouyi folded way
Fu Hang said, "Dad, there is still a month before the head rises. I will definitely get back to Kunlun in a month, but now I can’t leave."
Fu Shouyi sneer at a "do you know that JiXue? Although there is no one behind them to help Tong Ren Tang, she has reached the early stage of Du Jie at a young age. Doesn’t this make you know? " Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Fu Hangjian said, "Dad, baby is carefully cultivated by you. Who else can trap me when you say that baby is capable?"
Fu Shouyi said, "Hang Dad asked you a question and you have to answer me honestly."
Fu channel "dad, please tell me that the child must answer truthfully."
Fu Shouyi pondered for a long time before saying, "If you had to choose between Dad and Ji Xue, who would you choose?"
Fu channel "dad made this statement?"
Fu Shouyi looked up and saw a dark sky with a hint of worry. "Aviation dad is always a little restless these days. I have explored Ji Xue and Zhang Jiagong. Although Ji Xue is simply a doctor who helps others in Tongrentang, she is willing to work hard for a rich boy in Du Jie. It is not simple and there is no figure in the black curtain doctor who took out the book" Saving People’s Medicine ".There is also a certain mystery in it. If the head is soaring in succession, we will take over the heirs, otherwise I will try them."
Fu channel "dad, don’t worry about this. I also noticed that I will find out if there are some tricks in it."
Fu Shouyi patted Fu Hang on the shoulder and said, "I believe in your ability, but one thing you have to remember is that if it’s really not good, don’t force Dad not to be pedantic. If it works, it will work. Dad also wants you to bring him back to Kunlun."
Fu channel "does dad mean to leave?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Fu Shouyi nodded his head. "It’s good to leave and stay here for a long time. I can’t stay any longer. If I’m wrong, I’ll be in trouble. Dad decided to leave tomorrow. One thing you should pay attention to is that no matter what happens in the end, you must get back to Kunlun after the head rises."
Fu channel "child white"
While Fu Shouyi and Fu Hang were still talking in the maple tree, Ji Xue had already returned to Zhang Fu and told Zhang Zhongxuan what he had heard about this trip.
After listening to Zhang Zhongxuan, Zhao Zifeng asked, "Did Xue Sister Fu Hang say that it was time for his father and him to go to the forbidden area in Kunlun?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
At Zhao Zifeng, Zhang Zhongxuan said, "Zifeng, it seems that you know my temper a little."
Zhao Zifeng replied, "Master Zifeng is really psychologically speculating about this matter and thinking about what to do. I think the master who sent the door to Kunlun will never let him slip away from his hand and will certainly drag Kunlun to the water."
Zhang Zhongxuan put his hands crossed on his legs and casually said, "The head of the Kunlun Sect is soaring soon, so you can’t move, otherwise you will be killed. However, they have an heir. I have been sitting in the house recently and I am a little uncomfortable. I am going to play in Kunlun."
Ji Xue’s face was shocked at the moment when he learned from Zhang Zhongxuan that Zhang Zhongxuan had to pay attention to the quiver, "Master is going to pretend to be the heir of Shushan."
Zhang Zhongxuan revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth. "Is it necessary?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Zhao Zifeng asked, "Master, do you want me to send someone to watch Fu Hang’s second father now?"
Zhang Zhongxuan said, "It’s up to you to handle the purple wind."
PS: The update will be resumed, but please forgive me for one thing. The chapters may be divided into two or three thousand words to ensure the update! Again, thank you for still supporting readers!
Chapter one hundred and fifty-two Kunlun Forbidden Area 1
Chapter one hundred and fifty-two Kunlun Forbidden Area 1
Just before dawn, a figure came from the street towards the street of Ji Shi Tong Ren Tang. The man dressed as a bartender gasped and went straight to Zhang Fu’s door and took pictures.
Zhang fumen creaked and a dozen gatekeepers were startled to see the visitors. "Who are you looking for?"
The bartender dressed up and said, "I’m looking for Master Zhao."
The doorman took a look at the bartender and gave way to "Come in". Then he let the bartender go in and led the bartender towards the house.
The bartender led by the gatekeeper came to Zhangfu waiting room, etc. It was good for the bartender to sit in Zhangfu’s room. The tea bartender hurried all the way and was thirsty. He took the side tea and drank it. After a few doors, Zhao Zifeng appeared in front of him.
The bartender hurriedly let go of the tea and stood up and said, "Master Zhao."
Zhao Zifeng sat down and said, "Is something wrong?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
The bartender wiped her mouth with tea. Shui Ze said, "Back to Zhao Ye, the two of them went out early this morning."
Zhao Zifeng was white when he heard this. Fu Shouyi must have gone to the forbidden area in Kunlun. He hurriedly got up and said to the bartender, "You can’t go home without you." Zhao Zifeng pushed the door and walked towards Zhang Zhongxuan’s room.
Zhao Zifeng knocked on Zhang Zhongxuan’s doorway "Master"
Zhang Zhongxuan knocked at the door and took a look at Zhao Zifeng. "Is Fu Hang’s father divorced?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Zhao Zifeng nodded his head.
Zhang Zhongxuan said, "So when they have breakfast, you can help me say hello to my parents." Zhang Zhongxuan said that he was about to get up and fly to Shu and stop his body. "By the way, remember that the layout has left Fu Hang out of the way. It’s a trouble to deal with. You can’t give the cloven foot."
If Zhao Zifeng knows that Zhang Chongxuan is going to Kunlun, it’s natural to know the secret. "Master, you can rest assured that I will handle it properly." Zhao Zifeng just finished saying that Zhang Chongxuan’s figure has disappeared and looked at the room. Zhao Zifeng shook his head and sighed. "It’s a level difference from the master, but the strength is ten million times different. It seems that it is impossible to catch up with the master."
Zhang Chongxuan flew to capture Fu Shouyi’s breath immediately after the expansion of Zhongyuan God. When he gave himself a hidden breath formation, he chased Fu Shouyi to help the world. Tong Ren Tang was transformed into Zhang Chongxuan to explore the origin, but he was trapped in Zhang Chongxuan’s layout. Naina Fu Shouyi’s wiliness was also played by Zhang Chongxuan in his palm.
Zhang Zhongxuan found the breath and came to Xingcheng city, but he saw that Fu Shouyi was just offering a multiplier. The multiplier was very small and was a white bodhi. On the front of the bodhi, there were twelve green leaves. Like a hand, Zhang Zhongxuan protected the white bodhi in the center and gave off a bright green light. Although Zhang Zhongxuan was not so wonderful, he also saw from the breath that this bodhi was an unusual multiplier.
The bodhi floating in the middle cracked and gave off a white brilliance. For a moment, the bodhi became a white lotus, and Fu Shouyi’s figure gently landed on the lotus, and a white cloud flew away.
Zhang Zhongxuan saw this and hurriedly offered the sacred sand. He was afraid that the breath of the sacred sand would be discovered by Fu Shouyi, and he gave the sacred sand a hidden formation to follow Fu Shouyi. However, Zhang Zhongxuan did not dare to get too close to Fu Shouyi, and Fu Shouyi kept a certain distance.
After such a flight, Fu Shouyi came to a mountain where Zhang Chongxuan was sitting. From a distance, there were lush peaks everywhere in this area, while the mountain where Fu Shouyi was sitting was deep in the mountains, but Zhang Chongxuan was about to stop when he wanted to fall, because the whole mountain seemed to move at the moment when he was about to fall.
Zhang Chongxuan is a master of law. Naturally, he can see that the mountains in this area have been attacked by law. However, he can also see that this law and its attack power are a relatively high-level psychedelic array. When people go, the formation will naturally start, and those mountains that can’t move will naturally move. The number of peaks here will naturally make people fascinated.
Zhang Chongxuan looked at Fu Shouyi’s mountain peak and thought about what to do next, because now he is a road trace. Fu Shouyi can’t break the law in this area, and he also walked into the eyes of the array, but Fu Shouyi is there. Zhang Chongxuan still doesn’t want to meet Fu Shouyi before all.
Zhang Chongxuan put away the heavenly sand and flew forward cautiously. When flying to Fu Shouyi’s landing area, Zhang Chongxuan finally felt at ease that there was a towering mountain peak in front of it. There was a hole in the mountain. The hole was hidden. It seemed that the root was connected with the mountain and there was more tendril cover on its surface. It was good to find that Zhang Chongxuan had always been a yuan god to track Fu Shouyi. Otherwise, it would take some twists and turns to find the hole.
Zhang Chongxuan flew directly from it in front of the mountain peak, which was more than two or three times wider than other mountains, and stood in it, separated by endless mountains.
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at the entrance of the mountain company with a smile on his face. The surface of the entrance was covered with a layer of extremely severe prohibition-the mountain soul curse is a complementary mountain. When someone doesn’t know the trick and touches the mountain soul curse, the whole mountain will attack you in an instant, and the people who touch the forbidden curse will not get out because the mountain soul curse is to hold the soul of the person who touches the forbidden curse in an instant. Even if people are not careful or don’t understand the contingency plan, they will be in the mountain soul curse. After all, the mountain soul curse is beneficial to the border.
Zhang Chongxuan reached out and sucked a small piece of rock from the other side of the mountain to hold it in his hand. Without looking, he hit the hole directly at the mouth of the cave. At the moment when Zhang Chongxuan hit it, he actually produced a trace of green gas, but listening to the mouth of the cave, a circular stone gate was hit inside. Zhang Chongxuan’s hand stone was also in a flash of powder. Zhang Chongxuan’s skill is extremely simple, that is, the average person would never dare to attack the shield with a spear like him, because it is necessary to accurately grasp the attack angle of the rock when it is forbidden to touch it. Even if it is one millimeter, it No one dares to take such a risk in the land robbery attack, and even if the angle of the rock is selected, it will be true to the rock when the rock hits the mountain soul curse, and the uniformity and attraction of the real element are also very high. There is a percentage of success rate, and Zhang Zhongxuan has absolute confidence in his grasp. He never thought that he could not break the consequences, so he broke the mountain soul curse naturally and easily.
At the mouth of the cave, a piece of heavy mystery shines in front of him, which will never be inferior to Zhang Fu’s back garden. There are flowers flowing in it, and butterflies are flying all the time. From time to time, tiny birds are singing from the ground and a huge waterfall is coming from the inside.
Zhang Chongxuan walked into the cave and closed the hole around. There were flowers and plants with some scattered trees, but there was no Fu Shouyi figure. Zhang Chongxuan looked at the distance and saw a waterfall about 30 feet long. The waterfall flew straight from the surface water and raised several splashes. The splash reflected the sun and brought up a piece of white water. The rapids waterfall fell into a small pool. The pool was a dead pool and diverted, but it did not rise in the waterfall.
Zhang Zhongxuan doesn’t know much about architecture, but at a glance, he found that this waterfall is actually not natural but artificial. Because the pool is a natural pool with springs, it was specially designed by a small trick to transfer the water in the pool to a high place and there was an accelerated formation on that side to form a rapids waterfall.
Behind the rushing waterfall, there is a cave. Zhang Zhongxuan thought that Fu Shouyi must have entered the cave and thought that he had to follow quickly to see if he could listen to some important conversations.
Zhang Zhongxuan’s figure went directly through the waterfall and came to the entrance of the cave. This cave is very vast, and dripping water from time to time is cooler than that in the cave outside. Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t look at the cave too much because he didn’t find out what the law was at the edge of the cave. Obviously, Kunlun people think that few people can break the curse of the soul outside the mountain and there is no cloth protection in the mountain.
Zhang Chongxuan walked towards the Shensui Cave, which is extremely special. The entrance is very wide, but it is narrow enough to allow a person to pass in, and there are rocks protruding from time to time. If you are not careful, you may encounter the protruding rocks. Zhang Chongxuan Nai can stop and walk slowly.
After about ten minutes’ walk, the terrain is suddenly wide, and every few feet around the walls, there will be night beads embedded in the surface to illuminate the whole mountain road. When Zhang Chongxuan stops, he has already felt the faint breath of Fu Hang, and there is a aura in the depths of the cave that strongly makes Zhang Chongxuan understand what it will be. This will be a forbidden area in Kunlun and a place for special heirs to practice.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-three Kunlun forbidden area 2
Chapter one hundred and fifty-three Kunlun forbidden area 2
Generally, practitioners hope to find a place with more aura, which will help practitioners and spiritual objects to be the same. Spiritual objects absorb the essence of the weather or the moon at a certain time, while people are different. When practicing, the body will naturally relax and the pores of the body will help absorb aura.
Generally, places with more reiki are located in the mountains, and the world will recognize the practitioners, who are indifferent to fame and fortune and far away from the world. In fact, it is not entirely true that their purpose is to improve their strength. Of course, people are highly intelligent animals after all. Since reiki can be cultivated naturally, people who are proficient in the formation and gather reiki, this method does not care about the fact that the practitioners cannot absorb the reiki, which can also limit the practitioners to find places with strong reiki.
From the depths of the cave, the aura is deep enough to reach the celestial realm, and it is pure natural. This kind of environment is very effective for practitioners. Maybe practicing in this cave for one year is better than practicing in the world for ten years. If the practitioners practice the aura reasonably, the effect will be unimaginable.
Zhang Chongxuan considered that instead of walking forward, his hands kept beating the tactic, and he spread a hidden breath on his body to fill the formation weakened by a flight just now. Then Zhang Chongxuan stepped on his body and walked into the rock.
Because walking in the rocks was limited by the rocks, Zhang Chongxuan made a tortuous journey, and later he came to the place where Fu Shouyi breathed. Zhang Chongxuan silently had a mysterious green light in his mouth, and he was integrated into the cave and appeared on the surface of the stone chamber.

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