

With a loud bang, the former main gun of "Cedritz" was hit by a British armor-piercing projectile, and hippel almost fell to the ground. When he got up, he saw a black smoke coming out of the hole on the side where the turret was punctured, and he saw that the warship was safely ill. hippel breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn’t know that the actual situation of the turret was much more serious.

Enke, a German naval officer, was a gunner of the Cedritz. When the shells fell, he was directing the gunner’s […]


When Zhou Wang heard the news and was furious, he wanted to sign a personal expedition. Did a surname Wen Zhong smell the news and surprise you? Because the North Sea is a place with fierce folk customs, but it’s not the kind of people who don’t want to be kings. Why did they suddenly rebel? What’s more, Yuan Futong is not an arrogant generation. He should also know why his strength is so unwise.

Wen Zhong, however, was a disciple of Gao Tu, who naturally heard of the God-sealing War. Although he knew it

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